First Time Visitors
What to Expect...

Welcome! We're excited to have you join us on a Sunday morning service. Please stop by the Welcome table in the back of the sanctuary for a small gift. Here are some helpful information so you can plan your visit…

  • What is it like? Come experience a loving community. We always say, "your first time you're a visitor, but after that you are family."
  • What about my kids? We have a classroom for kids 5-12 years old and an area for nursing mothers. Our preschool and nursery rooms are in progress.
  • What do I wear? Come as you are - whether you're in shorts and flip flops or dressy attire; all are welcome!
  • How can I get connected? Our Sunday morning services start at 10am, or you can visit our Wednesday night bible study from 6pm-7pm, our men's group meets on 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6pm, our ladies group meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6pm.